photo for: Dorothy Anderson

Hometown:Huntersville, NC

Secret Talent:A pretty mean cartwheel

Pets:2 fluffy Bichon Frisé: Chip and Bo

The more I know, the more I don't know.

When we first met Dorothy (during a tour for a UNCW’s Communication Studies Society), we knew she had the makings of an expert in awesome.  Dorothy is dynamic. Some people take a while to reveal themselves. Dorothy presents her genuine self right out of the gate. And she is genuinely eager, attentive, inquisitive, and cool. She rarely enters the office quietly, and we haven’t seen her tired yet. 

As one of our two interns, Dorothy works closely with our Social Media Guru: Katie Solinski, crafting the finest messages that can be squeezed onto a smart phone screen.

The whole team at Tayloe/Gray appreciates her enthusiasm (possibly because many of us are creeping into and maybe past middle age and often find enthusiasm elusive), but she is so much more than a peppy presence. Dorothy has that healthy mixture of being interested and interesting. She’s run a successful youtube channel (no, we won’t tell you which one), is the Creative Director for a pair of EDM (that’s electronic dance music for the unhip out there) groups, gives campus tours at UNCW, works as a media specialist at Seahawk Central News, and still finds time for hiking, dancing, snowboarding, and the collecting of seashells.

For non-coastal residents: People who live near the ocean feel the need to decorate their homes as if the beach disgorged itself into their living rooms. We don’t know why, but it’s a near universal urge and most of us do it.

Soon we will have to release Dorothy back into the wilds of UNCW to finish her education. We can only hope that someday she finds her way back to TG, and becomes a full-time expert in awesome (though, she’s pretty much there already).

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