Strengthening Your Facebook Ads: Getting the Biggest Bang for Your Buck

Facebook Strong

Facebook ads have become one of the most successful tools a marketer can use to reach a mass audience with minimal money spent. Make sure your ads are noticed and clicked on. Here are a few guidelines that can help. Keep your ad copy short and clear. In fact, the most popular headlines are noted to be 5 words long. Think carefully about what words are the simplest and most compelling. Also, do not simply repeat yourself with your headlines, post text and descriptions. It is best to think about these as a short story, ending with a call-to-action (ALWAYS!)

As I said, include a call-to-action. It’s just a small button that says “Learn More” or “Shop Now” but it can make a big difference in getting your viewers to click.

Ad Appearance:

It should go without saying that images for your ad need to be eye-catching. They should be clear, not blurry or pixelated. Photos should not be too dark. I am drawn to light and bright photos. The images should also play a part in telling the story of your ad. What image best supports your copy?


Here are some improvements I have made 3 Facebook ads that have come across my newsfeed:

1. Bright Cellars – Wine Quiz


bright cellars before

I switched out the image to a brighter, more eye-catching image. I revised the post text so that it was not so repetitive. Last, I added “now,” so that the audience knows the result is instantaneous.


2. American Giant – Hoodies


american giant before

I like this ad and the image, so I really did not make many changes. “American Giant” was simply repeated, so I switched that copy with more compelling copy I found on their website.


3. Retail Me Not – Mom Quiz  


mom quiz before

I made the text larger in the image. If there is room, why not?! I also added a “Learn More” CTA. mom-quiz-after

To view even more ways to strengthen your Facebook ads, we recommend this report: